Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some new Pics.

Well it has been a while, but there has been a lot going on in these last couple weeks. First of all, last Wednesday was a big day here in the Rogers' house. It was the first day of school for both Drake and Elsie. Which included the traditional waffle breakfast with both Mindy and me. I was the camera happy father so here are a couple pics. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! We have been waiting to see these first day pics. Everyone looks so happy and breakfast looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.
Love, Nana

Anonymous said...

Kool backpacks kids! Thanks for the great first day pics. You are both a credit to the Milbank School System.

Aunty S

Courtney Walsh said...

Sophia has that same Hannah Montana shirt... and did you guys know that on Man vs. Wild, he did one about surviving in South Dakota? lol I thought that was hilarious.

It was probably like, "You camp out near the gas station and then when you get hungry, you pick the lock and steal some Twinkies." How random.

Anyway, looks like the first day was a hit! :)

Unknown said...

When did Elsie and Drake stop being little kids? Hope the school year is going well!