Monday, September 15, 2008

Check Out the New Specs.!!

Drake got glasses just like Dads!

Last week the school nurse let me know that while the kindergartners were getting their routine eye exams at school, Drake's right eye was flagged. They just wanted us to be aware of it, but it wasn't a real big concern. Apparently his right eye turns in just a hair and they saw it. Anyway, since I was going to the eye doctor today anyway to pick up my contacts I decided to make a day of it and bring Drake and Elsie along. During the exam I thought Drake was hamming it up by saying random letters like "it's a C" when in actuality it was an X. He almost got in trouble by me, but I figured the doctor would handle it. Anyway, by the end, the doc said that because of his right eye turning in just a little bit he has been relying almost solely on his left eye to do all the work. The result is that his right eye has not developed. So, he wasn't being goofy. He really couldn't see the letters! I'm just glad we caught it now!

Thankfully it can be strengthened by glasses and wearing a patch 2 hours every day after school. If any of you talk to him about it just remember that the "pirate patch" is super cool! We want to keep it that way as long as possible!

Well, that's the jest of it! I just think it's hilarious that Jon really
does have a"Mini Me" following him around!
They're both pretty good looking guys!!


Anonymous said...

Wow Drake, you look sooooooooo handsome!!! You do look just like Daddy (And I think he's very cute too)Maybe we should get Horis some glasses to wear or a neat pirate patch...what do you think?
Love you lots!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool specs!!! You are one handsome dude Drake. You look so grown up with your glasses. I'd like to see a picture of the "pirate patch"

Aunty S

The Rogers Family said...

What a hottie!

Unknown said...

Drake - You look goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood in those! You, Dad, Papa, and Uncle Ben ALL have glasses now! Guess we need to get a pair for Uncle Jordan!

Here are some jokes to tell with your patch on:
What's a pirate's favorite letter?

Where does a pirate put his cookies?

Why are pirates cool?

Anonymous said...


I have the same thing as Drake, although I stopped wearing glasses, and never got contacts. My left eye does most of my seeing for me (20/20 in the left, 20/120 in the right).

I used to lay in my bed as a kid and read, but the pillow covered up my right eye, from laying on my side.

Glad they caught it...turns into a "lazy eye" later in life...:)